327 research outputs found

    Managing design variety, process variety and engineering change: a case study of two capital good firms

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    Many capital good firms deliver products that are not strictly one-off, but instead share a certain degree of similarity with other deliveries. In the delivery of the product, they aim to balance stability and variety in their product design and processes. The issue of engineering change plays an important in how they manage to do so. Our aim is to gain more understanding into how capital good firms manage engineering change, design variety and process variety, and into the role of the product delivery strategies they thereby use. Product delivery strategies are defined as the type of engineering work that is done independent of an order and the specification freedom the customer has in the remaining part of the design. Based on the within-case and cross-case analysis of two capital good firms several mechanisms for managing engineering change, design variety and process variety are distilled. It was found that there exist different ways of (1) managing generic design information, (2) isolating large engineering changes, (3) managing process variety, (4) designing and executing engineering change processes. Together with different product delivery strategies these mechanisms can be placed within an archetypes framework of engineering change management. On one side of the spectrum capital good firms operate according to open product delivery strategies, have some practices in place to investigate design reuse potential, isolate discontinuous engineering changes into the first deliveries of the product, employ ‘probe and learn’ process management principles in order to allow evolving insights to be accurately executed and have informal engineering change processes. On the other side of the spectrum capital good firms operate according to a closed product delivery strategy, focus on prevention of engineering changes based on design standards, need no isolation mechanisms for discontinuous engineering changes, have formal process management practices in place and make use of closed and formal engineering change procedures. The framework should help managers to (1) analyze existing configurations of product delivery strategies, product and process designs and engineering change management and (2) reconfigure any of these elements according to a ‘misfit’ derived from the framework. Since this is one of the few in-depth empirical studies into engineering change management in the capital good sector, our work adds to the understanding on the various ways in which engineering change can be dealt with

    Interactive learning objects as a solution to challenges in basic medical science teaching

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    Background. As a core component of any health professions curriculum, basic medical science modules facilitate learning of biology, anatomy, histology and physiology content. To redress the challenges of class size and poor tertiary education readiness, interactive learning objects could facilitate learning and enhance engagement between lecturers and students. Objective. To determine whether the use of learning objects in a basic medical science first-year module is an effective tool for enhancing the student learning experience. Methods. A case study research design with mixed methods of data collection was used. Participants provided informed consent for this study. Learning objects were incorporated into a basic medical sciences first-year module in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. A correlation analysis between usage statistics and assessment results was used to determine the academic effectiveness of this intervention. A thematic network analysis identified the barriers and enablers of the intervention. Results. Student attempts at learning objects correlated with a higher assessment outcome for two of the three tutorials. Technical difficulties, timing and assessment format were barriers to learning with the use of learning objects. Enablers to learning included student enjoyment, facilitating understanding of core concepts, adaptation to new ways of learning and formative assessment. The module team received valuable feedback on the constructed learning environment through the qualitative data collected from students within this study. Conclusion. Interactive learning objects are useful and effective tools for facilitating learning in the context of large, diverse first-year health professions education classes

    Ab initio simulations of liquid NaSn alloys: Zintl anions and network formation

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    Using the Car-Parrinello technique, ab initio molecular dynamics simulations are performed for liquid NaSn alloys in five different compositions (20, 40, 50, 57 and 80 % sodium). The obtained structure factors agree well with the data from neutron scattering experiments. The measured prepeak in the structure factor is reproduced qualitatively for most compositions. The calculated and measured positions of all peaks show the same trend as function of the composition.\\ The dynamic simulations also yield information about the formation and stability of Sn4_4 clusters (Zintl anions) in the liquid. In our simulations of compositions with 50 and 57 % sodium we observe the formation of networks of tin atoms. Thus, isolated tin clusters are not stable in such liquids. For the composition with 20 % tin only isolated atoms or dimers of tin appear, ``octet compounds'' of one Sn atom surrounded by 4 Na atoms are not observed.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 3 Figures on reques

    Схемотехническое моделирование и синтез активных СВЧ-фильтров на полевых транзисторах Шоттки

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    Разработаны схемы активных СВЧ-фильтров, пригодных для исполнения в виде гибридной или полупроводниковой микросхемы

    Уровень провоспалительных цитокинов внутриматочных смывов при гиперплазиях эндометрия

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    Проведено вивчення змін рівня прозапальних цитокінів ІЛ -1ß, ІЛ -6 та ФНП-α в маткових змивах у жінок з різними видами гіперплазій ендометрію. Встановлено, що формування гіперплазії ендометрію супроводжується активацією прозапальних цитокінів. Найбільш виражені зміни виявлені при комплексній гіперплазії ендометрію. Запальний процес в урогенітальної системі сприяє більш вираженому зростанню рівня цитокінів в маткових змивах. Оцінка вираженості змін в рівні цитокінів маткових змивів може використовуватися в якості додаткового критерію, що характеризує гіперплазії ендометрію, для оцінки формування запальних змін в ендометрії при його гіперплазії і для оцінки прогнозу перебігу гіперплазій.Levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1ß, IL-6 and TNF-α in uterine lavage fluid of women with different types of endometrial hyperplasia were studied. It is established that the formation of endometrial hyperplasia is associated with activation of proinflammatory cytokines. The most intensive changes were found in complex endometrial hyperplasia. Inflammation in the urogenital system leads to more intensive increase of cytokines level in the uterine washout. Investigation of changes in cytokines levels in uterine lavage fluid can be used as an additional criterion for characteristics of endometrial hyperplasia, to assess the formation of inflammatory changes in the endometrium and for prognosis of hyperplasia

    Коррекция состояния иммунной системы крыс с адъювантным артритом введением липидной фракции плаценты

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    Введення ліпідної фракції плаценти, отриманої методом кріогенного молекулярного фракціонування, на фоні розвитку ад’ювантного артриту оказує корегуючий вплив у відношенні як вмісту, так і функціональної активності регуляторних Т-клітин регіональних лімфовузлів, що призводить до зниження інтенсивності клінічних ознак захворювання.Injection of placental lipid fraction obtained by cryogenic molecular fractionation method on the background of adjuvant arthritis development has a correcting influence in relation to both content and functional activity of regulatory T-cells of regional lymph nodes which leads to a decrease in intensity of clinical signs of the disease

    A Bodyweight-Dependent Allometric Exponent for Scaling Clearance Across the Human Life-Span

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    Purpose: To explore different allometric equations for scaling clearance across the human life-span using propofol as a model drug. Methods: Data from seven previously published propofol studies ((pre)term neonates, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents and adults) were analysed using NONMEM VI. To scale clearance, a bodyweight-based exponential equation with four different structures for the exponent was used: (I) 3/4 allometric scaling model; (II) mixture model; (III) bodyweight-cut-point separated model; (IV) bodyweight-dependent exponent model. Results: Model I adequately described clearance in adults and older children, but overestimated clearance of neonates and underestimated clearance of infants. Use of two different exponents in Model II and Model III showed significantly improved performance, but yielded ambiguities on the boundaries of the two subpopulations. This discontinuity was overcome in Model IV, in which the exponent changed sigmoidally from 1.35 at a hypothetical bodyweight of 0 kg to a value of 0.56 from 10 kg onwards, thereby describing clearance of all individuals best. Conclusions: A model was developed for scaling clearance over the entire human life-span with a single continuous equation, in which the exponent of the bodyweight-based exponential equation varied with bodyweight

    Oral Drug Dosing Following Bariatric Surgery: General Concepts and Specific Dosing Advice

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    Bariatric or weight-loss surgery is a popular option for weight reduction. Depending on the surgical procedure, gastric changes like decreased transit time and volume and increased pH, decreased absorption surface in the small intestine, decreased exposure to bile acids and enterohepatic circulation, and decreased gastrointestinal transit time may be expected. In the years after bariatric surgery, patients will also substantially lose weight. As a result of these changes, the absorption, distribution, metabolism and/or elimination of drugs may be altered. The purpose of this article is to report the general influence of bariatric surgery on oral drug absorption, and to provide guidance for dosing of commonly used drugs in this special population. Upon oral drug administration, the time to maximum concentration is often earlier and this concentration may be higher with less consistent effects on trough concentrations and exposure. Additionally, prescription of liquid formulations to bariatric patients is supported by some reports, even though the high sugar load of these suspensions may be of concern. Studies on extended-release medications result in an unaltered exposure for a substantial number of drugs. Also, studies evaluating the influence of timing after surgery show dynamic absorption profiles. Although for this group specific advice can be proposed for many drugs, we conclude that there is insufficient evidence for general advice for oral drug therapy after bariatric surgery, implying that a risk assessment on a case-by-case basis is required for each drug

    Surgical and medical second trimester abortion in South Africa: A cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A high percentage of abortions performed in South Africa are in the second trimester. However, little research focuses on women's experiences seeking second trimester abortion or the efficacy and safety of these services.</p> <p>The objectives are to document clinical and acceptability outcomes of second trimester medical and surgical abortion as performed at public hospitals in the Western Cape Province.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a cross-sectional study of women undergoing abortion at 12.1-20.9 weeks at five hospitals in Western Cape Province, South Africa in 2008. Two hundred and twenty women underwent D&E with misoprostol cervical priming, and 84 underwent induction with misoprostol alone. Information was obtained about the procedure and immediate complications, and women were interviewed after recovery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Median gestational age at abortion was earlier for D&E clients compared to induction (16.0 weeks vs. 18.1 weeks, p < 0.001). D&E clients reported shorter intervals between first clinic visit and abortion (median 17 vs. 30 days, p < 0.001). D&E was more effective than induction (99.5% vs. 50.0% of cases completed on-site without unplanned surgical procedure, p < 0.001). Although immediate complications were similar (43.8% D&E vs. 52.4% induction), all three major complications occurred with induction. Early fetal expulsion occurred in 43.3% of D&E cases. While D&E clients reported higher pain levels and emotional discomfort, most women were satisfied with their experience.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As currently performed in South Africa, second trimester abortions by D&E were more effective than induction procedures, required shorter hospital stay, had fewer major immediate complications and were associated with shorter delays accessing care. Both services can be improved by implementing evidence-based protocols.</p